VAWsc Book Publications

Book Projects of V.A.W. scientific consultation

V. A. Weberruß: Universality in Statistical Physics and Synergetics

(Vieweg, Wiesbaden 1993)

The book!

V. A. Weberruß: Quantenphysik im Überblick

(Oldenbourg, München 1998)

The book!

V. A. Weberruß: Nichtlineare Quantenphysik

(Shaker-Verlag 2008)

V. A. Weberruß: The Metric Field Gateway to Quantum Physics

(AVM, München 2012)

Book Projects with University Lecturers or Max-Planck Institute Lecturers

G. Mahler/V. A. Weberruß: Quantum Networks, 2nd Edition

(Springer, Heidelberg 1998)

The book!

M. Mehring/V. A. Weberruß: Object-Oriented Magnetic Resonance

(Academic Press, London 2001)

The book!

F. Aldinger/V. A. Weberruß: Advanced Ceramics and Future Materials

(Wiley-VCH, Weinheim 2010)

The book!

Book Projects for University Lecturers

E. Grafarend/F. Krumm: Map Projections

(Springer, Heidelberg 2006)

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